If you could be a Duggar for a day who would you follow around or help for that day?
Or would you float around to everybody?
If you could be on a Duggar Buddy team for one day witch one would it be?
Or would you foat back and forth to all the buddy teams?
Leave your comments below to tell us.
Duggar Girls

Saturday, May 31, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Recap: "A Toast to Love"
On last nights episode "A Toast to Love"
Derick is finally returning home to Northwest Arkansas after spending two
years doing humanitarian work in Nepal. Jill enlists her army of siblings to
design posters and blow up balloons to prepare to meet Derick and his mom at the
"I've never seen Jill so excited about anything," says Jim Bob.
Jim Bob and the Jill are the only Duggars who have met Derick. "I feel like
I know him because Jill talks about him all the time," says Michelle. "Of course
Jill has explained more than I would ever need to know about Derick and what a
great guy he is."
When the Duggar welcome crew arrives at the airport, Jill lines everyone up
and grabs a heart sign that reads "I've waited 60 days for this moment."
Derick's brother and stepfather are also there.
When Derick comes into view, he and Jill run to meet each other and engage
in a full-on hug.
"I think the intentions were to do a side hug, but I think they both were
caught off guard," says Michelle, smiling. "Needless to say, they probably won't
let that happen again."
Derick, who says the experience was "a bit overwhelming," gives side hugs to
the rest of Jill's family. Four-year-old Josie asks him if he is going to marry
Jim Bob and Michelle take Jill and Jessa and their boyfriends out for a
triple date. "Tonight I have planned a special triple date for all of the Duggar
couples to get to know on another better," says Michelle.
Jim Bob, Michelle, Jill, and Jessa Duggar, Derick Dillard, and Ben Seewald
enjoy a meal and an etiquette class at the beautiful home of a local family and
their dog, George W. During dinner, Ben makes "a toast to love."
Later, while Jim Bob and Michelle are out of the house, the Duggar kids
prepare a dinner theater for their parents. Jana is in charge of the operation.
Joy-Anna's job is to teach "Jesus Loves Me" to the five youngest, and she
brings in cousin Amy Duggar to help.
Joseph, Derick, and Ben construct the stage, while Jessa and Jinger make
dinner (steak, sweet potato fries, salad, rolls, and asparagus) and the rest of
the kids clean the house.
When Jim Bob and Michelle arrive home, they are pleasantly surprised by all
the work the kids have put into the Duggar Dinner Theater. While Mom and Dad
enjoy their dinner, the kids perform music and skits, and Jeremiah recites a
touching poem thanking his parents for investing in their kids' lives
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Monday, May 26, 2014
Happy Birthday Grandma Duggar!
Happy Birthday Grandma Duggar! Grandma's hobbies include: doing laundry with Joy-Anna and spending time with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren! Grandma is a great example of a godly woman who fears the Lord. She has 22 (including Michelle's 2 miscarriages and Amy) grandchildren and 4 (including Anna's 1 miscarriage) great-grandchildren!
Friday, May 23, 2014
Recap: "Something New"/"Couples' Weekend"
- The Duggar children are accomplished musicians, but Jim Bob and Michelle admit they are not as musical. To kick off the show, Joy-Anna gives Michelle a violin lesson.
- The kids hold a secret meeting to plan a dinner theater for Mom and Dad. Jana heads the operation and delegates tasks to her siblings.
- "We still have some things to figure out...but with a few weeks left, hopefully we will be able to pull off something great," says Jana.
- Jessa and Jinger head down to Hot Springs, Arkansas, for a cooking lesson with Ben Seewald's sisters, Jessica and Danielle. The girls prepare one of Ben's favorite meals, Fettuccine Alfredo with chicken and apple pie with ice cream.
- Should Ben expect Jessa to prepare a home cooked meal every night? According to Michelle, "expectations ruin relationships."
- "There may be some TV dinners," says Jim Bob.
- While cooking, Jessa learns that Ben is "very methodical and systematic" and that he snores. Jessica and Danielle ask Jessa if they should be expecting any "exciting news." Jessa's response? "Ask Ben!"
- When Ben comes home and tries the meal, he approves.
- Meanwhile, Jana and Joseph spend time with Josh and Anna in Washington D.C. The crew heads to the mountains to go downhill skiing.
- Josh and Joseph hit the slopes, while Anna takes Mackynzie and Michael for a ski lesson. Anna forgets to put on her snow gear, so she ends up skiing in a skirt for a couple hours before changing. Later, Josh and Anna head out on a ski date.
19 Kids and
Counting "Couples' Weekend"
- Jana, Jill, and Jessa attend a birth. Jill acts as the primary midwife under supervision, Jana assists, and Jessa snaps pictures for the couple.
- Jim Bob and Michelle visit a specialist to evaluate Michelle health and her ability to have more children. Michelle says she is content not having any more children, but if it is God's will to bless her with another child, she wants to know how her body will react.
- Michelle takes a blood test to determine if her body is going through menopause. Find out the results in next week's episode.
- Ben and Jessa fly out to Washington D.C., and Jinger goes along as their chaperone.
- Josh takes Ben to the gym to work out and drills him with questions. "Yah, I'm not going to go easy on him," admits Josh.
- Later, the crew takes a trolley ride to show Ben the city. "The trip was so much fun," says Jessa. "We really had a great time together."
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Bates Girls Blog
Dear Viewers,
We were considering starting a Bates Girls Blog. I'm sure some of you know who the Bates are, they are The Duggars closest friends and live in Tennessee. Please comment or email us to let us know what you think! Thank you so much for following our blog!
Duggar Girls Blog
We were considering starting a Bates Girls Blog. I'm sure some of you know who the Bates are, they are The Duggars closest friends and live in Tennessee. Please comment or email us to let us know what you think! Thank you so much for following our blog!
Duggar Girls Blog
Duggar Wedding Coming Soon!
Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard are enjoying their few months of engagement,
while planning their summer wedding. Here are a few new photos of the happy
Derick and Jill
Derick, Jill and Josie
Michelle with Derick and Jill
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Recipie: Duggars' Homemade Bread
Whole Wheat Bread
Yields: 4 large loaves
Yields: 4 large loaves
- 6 cups hot water
- 2/3 cup olive oil
- 1 cup honey
- 2 tablespoons salt
- 17 cups whole wheat flour (If grinding your own wheat, you will need to grind approximately 11 cups of wheat kernels to yield 17 cups of flour.)
- 2 tablespoons (rounded) dry yeast

- Mix all ingredients and knead in mixer for 8-10 minutes.
- Oil 4 large bread pans.
- Place equal amounts of dough in each pan.
- Let rise in cold oven 20-25 minutes.
- Turn oven to 350 degrees.
- Bake approx. 20 minutes, or until golden.
Happy 23rd Birthday Jill!
Happy 23rd Birthday Jill! Jill's hobbies include: midwifery skills, piano, violin and harp! As of right now, she is engaged to a wonderful, Christian man, Derick Dillard. Jill is loving, caring and great with children! She is a great example on how to be modest and love the Lord.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Jill Duggar is on Instagram
Dear viewers,
We have just been informed that Jill Duggar has an Instagram account!!!! This is not a fake account because the official Duggar Family announced Wednesday, May, 13, 2014. Her account name is "jillmdillard." The Duggar Family's instagram is "duggarfam." Be sure to go watch the Duggar recommended movie, "Mom's Night Out!"
Duggar Girls Blog
We have just been informed that Jill Duggar has an Instagram account!!!! This is not a fake account because the official Duggar Family announced Wednesday, May, 13, 2014. Her account name is "jillmdillard." The Duggar Family's instagram is "duggarfam." Be sure to go watch the Duggar recommended movie, "Mom's Night Out!"
Duggar Girls Blog
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Realationship Updates.....
This weekend, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard attended a wedding shower thrown by the Duggars' church fellowship. They look forward to tying the knot early this summer.
Jill's sisters have been helping plan her wedding. Will there be another Duggar
wedding in the near future? Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald are still in a
courtship. And we must say, they make a cute couple
"The Big Question" Recap
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day to Grandma, Michelle, Anna and all the others mothers and mothers to be! Enjoy being pampered by your family today! Here are some photos of Grandma, Michelle and Anna!
Friday, May 9, 2014
Derick and Jill Share Their Love Story
Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard had their first phone conversation in March 2013, met in person in November, and were engaged the following March. The couple shares the details of their love story:
The first time Jill and I spoke was over the phone in a brief conversation we had back in March 2013. I continued speaking with Jim Bob (Jill's dad) over the summer, but didn't speak with Jill again until August. However, during this time I was praying about Jill and asking God for direction in getting to know Jill better.
The answer to my prayer came in August 2013, just before I left Nepal for a two week trip to Japan. During a conversation with Jim Bob, he mentioned how he thought Jill and I might get along well, having similar personalities and direction in life. He gave me Jill's phone number and we began texting, then emailing, then skyping/ talking on the phone. Over the next few months we became very grateful for modern technology as we continued to get to know each other better. Most of our conversations were centered around our values and life goals.
At the end of November, Jill and her dad got to come to Nepal for a couple weeks. I had no idea what to expect, but I was excited and prayed that God would give clear direction during this time. By the end of the trip I felt the Lord directing me to ask Jill to officially begin a courtship relationship. She agreed and we continued getting to know one another. It would still be two months before I completed my two year term and would move back home to Arkansas.
Upon my arrival home (January 2014), I was met by the Duggar clan; this was my first time to meet Jill's family in person. Over the next few months, I enjoyed spending time getting to know Jill and her family better.
Like Derick stated, we grew up pretty close to each other, but didn’t meet in Arkansas. Christmas 2011, Derick briefly stopped by our house while caroling with a group from his church. Neither of us remembers each other specifically from that time; all I have is a vague memory of the group of people who came. Not long after this, Derick contacted my dad and asked if he would be a prayer partner during his two-year term in Nepal. He would call my dad regularly and give updates on how his work was going there and then they’d pray together.
As my dad got to know Derick he was really impressed with his Godly character. He started telling me about Derick and also told Derick about me! I listened in on a few phone conversations with my dad without Derick knowing I was doing so.
After I kept hearing good things about this guy I decided I’d look him up on my own, so I Googled him and got a little glimpse from his social media outlets. I thought it was really neat how we had similar life goals and all, so I prayed about him for a little while, but then I prayed that God would allow me to not think seriously about any guys until it was His timing to begin a relationship and “the one”. I didn’t really think about this prayer again until later.
In March of 2013, Derick called my dad to give him an update and pray together and I happened to walk in the room. Unlike the other times when I had just listened in, this time my dad told Derick I had just come in the room and asked him to tell me a little bit about himself. We talked briefly that evening, however in the months following I didn’t think much about him.
In August of that same year, my dad was on the phone with Derick one evening and gave him my number. He told Derick that he thought we may hit it off and encouraged him to group text (with my parents), or call me if he wanted to. What I didn’t know at the time was that this was a direct answer to Derick’s prayer! He had been praying over the entire summer about when/if he should contact my dad to begin a relationship with me and was asking God to show him clearly! Wow! God is good!
I was super excited to text Derick back and forth, and then we were able to Skype. Our first call lasted 5.5 hrs and I asked him a ton of questions! I jokingly say it was “love at first Skype”! It really helped me feel secure to know that Derick and my dad had already got to know each other and that my dad admired him. During Derick’s time in Nepal, he was 10hrs and 45 min ahead of us so we would try to get in talk time when it would work best for both our schedules. And then there were other times when he was trekking in the Himalayan mountains for days at a time without any communication.
Although the distance was hard, we are grateful that we were able to really work on developing good communication, something that’s an important part in marriage. Also, during this time I was able to hang out with Derick’s family, visit his church, and even went to his house and rode in his car a couple times!
In November, my dad and I were able to fly to Nepal and spend two weeks with Derick! During our trip, Derick asked me if he and I could begin getting to know each other better in a courtship relationship; I happily agreed! I’d spent much time reading the bible, praying and getting wise counsel, before saying “yes.”
The more I spent time with him and observed his integrity, sweet spirit and love for God and service to others, the more I fell in love with him! Our goals align perfectly with how we see God leading us and we both feel we can serve Him better together than separate!
Well, my dad and I went home and over the next 60 days I cried a lot of tears; I missed him so much! Finally, in January of this year (2014) Derick returned home and was able to meet my entire family!
Derick asked my dad for permission to marry me at the end of February and then asked me on March 29th! I said, “yes, totally!”
We look forward to seeing where God will lead us and are enjoying this amazing season of life together!
“Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and depart from evil.” –Proverbs 3:5-7
Derick: How I met the girl of my dreams
Well, I'm from Rogers, AR, just about 45 min from where Jill lives, but we had to go 8,000 miles accross the world to meet. So about two years ago, when I was doing humanitarian work in Nepal, Jill's dad was one of my prayer partners. We would talk every couple weeks or so to discuss how our work was going and what current prayer needs were. Jill's dad would also mention periodically the work Jill was doing in her studies as a student midwife and her desire to someday use her skills overseas on the mission field. Being that we had similar life goals, she caught my attention.
The first time Jill and I spoke was over the phone in a brief conversation we had back in March 2013. I continued speaking with Jim Bob (Jill's dad) over the summer, but didn't speak with Jill again until August. However, during this time I was praying about Jill and asking God for direction in getting to know Jill better.

Jill: How I met the sweetest man in the whole world

After I kept hearing good things about this guy I decided I’d look him up on my own, so I Googled him and got a little glimpse from his social media outlets. I thought it was really neat how we had similar life goals and all, so I prayed about him for a little while, but then I prayed that God would allow me to not think seriously about any guys until it was His timing to begin a relationship and “the one”. I didn’t really think about this prayer again until later.

I was super excited to text Derick back and forth, and then we were able to Skype. Our first call lasted 5.5 hrs and I asked him a ton of questions! I jokingly say it was “love at first Skype”! It really helped me feel secure to know that Derick and my dad had already got to know each other and that my dad admired him. During Derick’s time in Nepal, he was 10hrs and 45 min ahead of us so we would try to get in talk time when it would work best for both our schedules. And then there were other times when he was trekking in the Himalayan mountains for days at a time without any communication.
Although the distance was hard, we are grateful that we were able to really work on developing good communication, something that’s an important part in marriage. Also, during this time I was able to hang out with Derick’s family, visit his church, and even went to his house and rode in his car a couple times!
In November, my dad and I were able to fly to Nepal and spend two weeks with Derick! During our trip, Derick asked me if he and I could begin getting to know each other better in a courtship relationship; I happily agreed! I’d spent much time reading the bible, praying and getting wise counsel, before saying “yes.”

Well, my dad and I went home and over the next 60 days I cried a lot of tears; I missed him so much! Finally, in January of this year (2014) Derick returned home and was able to meet my entire family!

We look forward to seeing where God will lead us and are enjoying this amazing season of life together!
“Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and depart from evil.” –Proverbs 3:5-7
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